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3 Secrets to putting your best foot forward!

& stop blocking the Harmony & Connection you desire with your horse in your riding!

NO arena, NO mirrors, NO ground person needed!!!!!


Identify the large part your feet play in your riding

Create awareness of the use and impact your feet can have

Rewire - creating new pathways to use your feet to bring more harmony into your riding

You will discover:

That sometimes your heels can actually be too far down! and they are STUCK!!!! This causes blocks and bracing in your riding.

You will see & feel the positive effects these exercises will have on your horse

You will learn skills to use your feet with intention to create more ease in your riding

A foundation of exploration, to start to create "feel" and awareness in ALL gaits, from the bottom up!


How your feet influence your riding, starting at the walk


Create Awareness in your body


Move WITH your horse instead of bracing against

Are you ready to

stop blocking the

HARMONY & CONNECTION you so desire?

Hello, I'm Regina Staples, at a very young age I started my riding career in the jumping arena and only later as an adult transitioned to becoming a passionate instructor and a lifelong student of classical training. I became obsessed with body awareness education and investigating healthy movement, all in the name of riding better for the horses I so love. This caused me to look into how I was using myself while I was riding.

Only to discover, that often we receive instruction, that later on, gets in our way causing blockages in our riding. Unknowingly taking us further away from our desires, connecting and riding our horse like our heroes, those who make it all look so effortless.

I have helped numerous committed riders, improve their riding, with the body they have now and create harmony in the saddle. They continue to connect to their horses, see progress for themselves and their horses are more comfortable for it!

I too heard heels down at all costs, my entire junior career! All was fine until... as an adult, I had a major riding injury that potentially was heading me in the direction of needing to GIVE UP what I love, riding horses!

I needed to figure out what I could do to NOT have that happen. This sent me on this journey that I am happy to share, so you too can keep doing what you LOVE for as long and you wish!

Not only am I still riding but along the way I discovered this REALLY helps the horses too!

Whether you have a young or older athlete, how we move impacts them and if we are inadvertently BLOCKING them, we are making it harder on them, disrupting the harmony and connection we desire.

With this set of exercises you will start, to create a foundation for more awareness and harmony riding your horse!

So you can stop BLOCKING your horse and connect instead!

Regina Staples

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